You have decided to plunge into the world of game development, a team of powerful warriors in order to address all important issues and are ready to create the best game in the next ... than WoW, Guild Wars ... (You get the point). They have violated all the brainstorming and put together some very strong concepts for action, and you're ready to go. But among all the planning, the concepts of character, dungeons and quests - what really are the mostimportant aspects of the game, which determine whether a person is enjoying themself? Read on and let me share with you what I think.
If we decide to take that plunge in the development of a new game, there are five things to consider very carefully, and should pay close attention. There's probably more of these that help or hinder you on your way and your order may be different from mine, but his is what I always keep the most important.Next week we will show that every aspect and at the end of the week, culminating in the full article. For now we'll start at the top, with the fifth issue
Number 5: Story Line
When you work your game, there's no better inspiration for the functions and activities, quests and dungeons, as your very own tailor-made and highly developed plot. Some may hesitate to this statement, saying that simple, non-weave shade if you need graphics-intensive, haveYour fingers tingling, or when you are fighting so intense that you literally ducking out of the way behind the monitor. While these things certainly help a great game and a lot of enthusiasm (in fact, are on the list too!) Run, can not compensate for the lack of action. One thing that many players crave, consciously or not, is a strong storyline that leads them to worry about the game - that attracts - and you feel as if your wildDreams can not it be possible in this environment. History can be simple and to the point, while doing so flawlessly that serves as the heart of the whole game (EVE Online: We shot fly across the room, people are out of the sky ...) as well as rich and deep (this is the complexity in the tradition and history of all EVE is so big that it took the voices of basic inventory and ships) with the tradition that forces players to write their own stories.
Not onlystoryline has helped players involved with everything you've worked and slaved over, but it helps the developers on the road. If you were smart, heady from the start dreaming of a deep history of the game setting, it is always served during the entire development. There is no evidence to what features will be a part of the game, not necessarily what to include and what it does or does not fit. An architecture professor of mine once said, when it comes toThe website analysis of architecture, we were able to learn more about what we have to build on the site simply by visiting the location, and "a vision for the building unseen, to be built." This is true in architecture, and is particularly important in the development of games and dreams of your story / game setting.
Texture can be important, but it is more important than a fantasy game setting so rich and vivid that you are trying to stay indefinitely?Well, maybe - just so long as the 3-D representation is not bogged down by hundreds of thousands of polygons or bad quad. Because art is important in the world, anyway?
Number 4: Artwork
There are many, many times artwork/3d models / characters found in your game does not create or destroy a part of things. I agree with this, that does not make or break the entire game, but works of art and professional models looking / feeling definitely help you on your way. Think of a movieRecently, in which the sets were absolutely amazing and breathtaking view - an example (though not necessarily as a "last") are the Lord of the Rings films. The entire series of films are plenty of rich and varied settings, and help the immersion factor, because you would not believe. Would the movie was "broken" by scenes less fearful? Probably not, because in the case of The Lord of the Rings, there was a lot of other amazing aspects. They have to make impressive scenesjust as the film is better, and give it that much more * * drool? Yes, definitely. The same type of effect can be seen in the gaming industry. The games, the incredible graphics (EVE Online) and others who are not (Dark Ages). If you are addicted to these games for various reasons, but you can bet that the beautiful surroundings in EVE certainly helps to inspire its player base large.
In addition, his work seriously effect the mechanicalGame. Many developers view of an extremely important aspect of their 3D models - pin count ... That is, the number of triangles (or * shudder * quad) of your game. A lot of free 3D models that can be found on the Internet are nice but are so incredibly detailed that with them on a computer, real-time environment is not wise, because usually we try and attract as many systems as possible. Console-systems have the luxury of (mainly) under the assumption that allPerformed on a level playing field. Those of us have to do, develop games exclusively for the computer does not have that luxury. Suffice it to say, it is important to find quality low-poly game content, and there are certainly enough of them, there is no excuse for pushing for you to be your game full of characters allowed in the 10,000 range poly-(many companies on line are limiting their avatars, or characters, about 2500-5000 polygons).
The lower the number of poles on 3D models, the easier yourEnvironment will run on the widest variety of computers ... in the rule. One thing that is holding this whole process of how the engine handles polygons, and to discover what the range is ideal that you want to pin point the characters and scenarios. In most cases, higher polygon character are acceptable, with a scenario (buildings, trees, etc.) is less than polyester. Another thing to consider is the engine if the engine supports the level of detail (LOD). LOD forthose who do not do is to use a system in which the engine is very low poly versions of a model, if the player is away, the model swap in and out for high quality versions, the more you get used to it. As far as I know, virtually all engine mounts are LOD, but some, such as Active Worlds no.
On the road you go with number 3: Music! Some might say (and say) that the music for an online game in the category of "work" should be recorded - while this may be true, depending on howlook at that, the music is incredibly important in a game * * apart from the 3D models and 3D characters and is given a place apart.
Number 3: Music
In many ways, the music is the heart and soul of any environment can be created in 3D - is literally the sound of the make-up events to happen, the players win battles, is to go home, etc. etc. Music is an important tool used to create the atmosphere in any environment, and without it your game feels like something is missing and the dead. In many ways, the musichelps the player to express the mood of a particular area increases and emphasizes what you have on the reader. You want sad, anxious, excited, anxious? Because listening is a major objective of our senses (sight, scent, etc.), one could argue that is equally powerful in combination, and the creation of memories. There should be one of your most important goals * for * people remember your game - is an unforgettable game is one of the tricks in it something pleasant and thatPeople will tell their friends. Listening to the music of the game and is one of the finest quality, which plays a huge role in how a field * feels *. Think about what it sounds like your favorite movie without sound and music?
This highlights another important aspect that a sub-category of music: sound effects. While music is the key that gives a sense of your surroundings and life, the sound effects are what make the place feel a tangible and realistic. If a playeris able to overturn a garbage can, and therefore feel the sound of aluminum sheet and tin of the concrete at the moment, the player has a heightened sense of interaction with the environment. You can think about life and takes the effect of the environment, if a player goes out on foot on a stone where shoes tapping on dirt or mud on foot, where the sound of course change dramatically. makes good games, it comes to mastering small (but powerful) the informationImmerse the player.
Many independent developers may shy away from placing emphasis on the music played in the game, because in some way can be difficult to find for people with limited budgets. . While music can be expensive (ok, no foolin 'It is expensive), measurement, there are some special offers for royalty-free music purchased online in many cases, these tracks are professionally done, and flexible licensing - either for independent orbusiness studies. It is not uncommon to find, for example at 5-6 tracks of indie a license for about $ 100. has some attractive offers for music and sound effects - the sound effects find that it is definitely a bargain. You can find the page contents directly from their packages. also has some great resources in terms of music in games and offers a nice list of websites that music photos and royalty free. Find out here.
At a later stageIt would be nice to include a list of some great music of their own resources. Enter for later. In the meantime, please let us know what you are music and sound effects in games that you played to think if you thought they were effective and important to your gaming experience ... And if you disagree, you can let us know, too!
Now that we have much of the meat of the game (story, art, music) are covered, we'll look a bit 'in game design and morereally define the backbone of the game - the backbone, which offers what people eventually return to your game every day. Storyline, graphics and music are the important things that really feel the game is over, and is less likely that people are in your village, so you ask yourself "What's missing?" But in the end, when it comes to developing the game, now we are entering what is truly important. This brings us to today's post ...
Number2: Game Flow
When it comes to game design in today's world there are actually three main types of flow that you can follow the game. What exactly is the game? The flow of the game, or the structure of the game is how players branch out with him and plot events, quests, missions, etc., and determines if players can make the game what they want to interact with it, or when they are stuck on a track that leads them to the dangers and excitement. Corresponding to the three types of flow areas follows: box of sand, rollercoasters, and a fusion hybrid of both. In many cases, how the people performance concerns, and how forces them to identify with the environment and progress in the game interact with the types of players you win the game.
The game "traditional" style, or rather has been used most frequently in the past that the "roller coaster". This type of play is as the name suggests - Users start the game (up on the turn) and areCarefully run through the structure, the culmination of the action ends, pitfalls, exciting twists, and ultimately the game with a storm of enthusiasm. This could also be read with the experience of a book there, where it will be a clear starting and end of things precisely the same. RPG many out there fall into this category in which objectives are defined explicitly in the game (conquer the evil demons of the sea, and save the pretty girl), and while these games are great fun, in someBecause this system is not always so good in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) where you can interact with dozens, hundreds, thousands of people together. This does not mean that it is not that disconnect MMO (Guild Wars comes to mind in particular), and that does not mean that the path of the MMORPG that rollercoaster is not fun to go wild (like Guild Wars). That is, have begun in recent years of people for a new generation of gamingwhere the options seem endless, and if you save the beautiful girl from the evil demons of the sea, that you go and innocent peasants ... more power to you!
Enter the "sandbox" games. In recent years he can make a big push for this sandbox, where people do what they want already. Similar to the game on a roller coaster, the name synonymous with its real life counterpart, the sandbox. The idea is that when you enter the game, if you decide to ignore the cross-overand present history (remember our beautiful girl) that you can do just that, without significant consequences. This type of game it is sometimes said to appeal mainly to hard-core gamer style, although I'm not sure to buy the full philosophy. Often I have a lot of casual players play in the sandbox together just fun to socialize with each other, mining, exploration, etc., without all the crazy time of the persecution of the most important events in history found. In many of theseTo find gaming systems, political and religious, as well as a variety of professions jobs. From what I saw, though, these games tend to be much longer intense roller coaster games, simply because the amount of time you have to pay in your character to forge their own path (and succeed in it). While some disagree with me much, I'd say EVE Online is definitely classified as a sandbox, as the majority of EVES content, gameplay and activities are created andInspired by the players themselves GTA3 will be seen by many as a sandbox game. This in itself is an important note: in boxes of sand, usually have a wealth of systems of the players to run itself, as guilds and factions - usually there is an economy fully into play by players of selling their products in person is facilitated.
Finally we have a brief period when some people discuss the possibilities of what you call a cross between a sandbox and suggestedRollercoaster games. I still have a good example of how this has happened (or someone on a business day) come, I have heard very little here and there. From what I understand, however, would be a key pair cross over story lines rather than all at once, so that users can choose what to do, and so offers ample opportunities for players branch out in their own way, as more and still allows them to return to the big story. Some may againclassified primarily as a sandbox, but I would say that if pushed to get every time there is a great sense of missions, storyline and content developer, you begin to invest more in the mountains of the roller elements. When someone noted that it is a good example of a sandbox-coaster hybrid must be running, please let me know! If you've ever read one of those "choose your own end," haunted-style books that elementary and middle schools, you'll know what a sandboxIt may seem like a roller coaster hybrid. While decisions on player (perhaps many, many possibilities!), Things are still ultimately "out" of a story around, the other players created space for content. At the end of the day, however, this is easier said than done.
Ultimately, the decision on which game you use, or "flow game" method used will be the development of the game is crucial. As history will help you easily and direction, decisions onwhether a particular function would fit in your game. Not only will help him make decisions, but as a result that will help make your game. Direction and commitment are absolutely necessary for the development of games and the decision on a flow of the game is, at least will help in the department of management;)
We dealt with some incredibly important aspects of your game environment - from the visual stimulus, and the sounds that your trip is more deeply drawn to the stories in your gameand help to inspire game mechanics, the shape of your player characters. But at the end of the day there is an aspect that bring everything home and see if your game full of eager players, or emptied ghost town.
Number 1: activities, baby!
While friends come and go in games, quests are resolved and beaten, and items will be presented later invented - at the end of the day the gaming community is no different from society as a whole, we are a one-wayGroup of people. We like the hottest items, spells, buildings, missions, love, but eventually something will stop by yesterday and, with so much enthusiasm for people to take your game has been suspended for a while '. Many games falter, because they recognize that the new content is a must, even if the content you have not already is incredible. The typical player can mean to your game in less than a month and a crunch when you're designing a game that must use a monthly releaseSubscription or the need to release players for a long time that bad news get to you. Ultimately, the solution is "What's next?" and "Why do people leave?" is to give your game with all its recesses with valuable content and do things * to *. And 'from this area, it seems that most of the dissatisfaction comes from playing games that means that not only is critical for many activities in the game when first released, but in the wake of these activities withnew things to explore, find and participate in the following months and years of life time.
Not only will the provision and planning of activities in the initial design stage of the game will be fun to play a game, but it can also help inspire other areas of your development as well. The events can inspire your story and his story can help give ideas for new activities and stories, for example. In many ways this aspect of the game is whatcontribute to the development and promotion of the community in your game, which is ultimately what ties people to specific games: the friends and the community that would be left behind when they leave.
Ideally, there are a number of events and types of activities, you can create in your game. Some of them are global style events that nearly everyone actively participates in the scene at the moment. Examples of such events would be those related to the real world holidays such as Christmas,Halloween, etc. Most often those are moments in games where, if there is something new, you lose your playing against real-life excitement in the category. Will people decide to spend your time doing things other than playing your game, if this is the case. Now, while we appreciate the time for the TGS family and all, this is bad news for you. Create global events, the adaptation of real life events that are, as the surrounding environment during this time is fun, exciting and offerThe extra bit of holiday cheer for their players. There are also events that are reproducible, as players run elections and hunting societies that give your players something to do throughout the year. Optimize these assets and make them easily accessible for players, so those things that are easy to enjoy.
There are countless events that you can include in your game, things you feel most alive - we have treated only a very small number of them here. Perhapsin a second post, we can create an article enthusiasm a bit different from you 'more in this category. We'll see! An important thing to remember, to assess whether the "activities" are your number one priority: an online game is best when it matters enough to participate with others. If the game is one that promotes social interaction, is more likely to become more silent and empty, and let's be honest - we expect people to play (and pay) an empty play online? Food forthought.
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