Have your product and you are ready to tell the world about it. We can not wait to get your site up and running again. All you have to do is throw strikes with a model of free and sit back and watch the hordes of the path to your door. Or ...?
Obviously, the idea that just because you have to sell something that people flock is a bit 'optimistic, but the good news is that in today's digital economy, there is ample opportunity for you that employeesMessage to the people who need to hear. But in this article, I'd like to focus on one aspect of the design of your website that you neglected at this stage, and that's what the colors used.
The effect of color on human behavior is unknown. There is a reason why fast food restaurants tend to have the colors red and yellow. Similar to these colors also have positive connotations for many of us, in nature, these colors are used as warning signals. Red and yellow is notthe temptation to relax and linger over our meal, we encourage them to eat and get us out of there as quickly as possible in order to make room for the next group of customers looking for a place to sit.
Lawyers, financial institutions and other professional firms often use the colors dark blue, brown and Forest Green in their costumes. These are the colors that we associate with the tradition, so that the feeling that these institutions are competent and reliable. Blue is also used by pharmaceutical companiesbecause it instills a sense of security.
So if you are your company's logo and packaging design of the product, probably because to decide what colors you're unsure, best represent what we are all about. Similarly, the colors you choose in designing your website, some carefully studied.
Here are some questions, it's worth thinking about, from a few general points before the teeth in the all-important question of color.
Try thisAbout as simple as possible. Take pen and paper and decide, on a small number of main categories of information that appears on your homepage. Under each category, list of your sub-categories, and each of them, no further subcategories. This is your structure. Be ruthless attack. Less is more. By all means offer your readers a simple way to get the pages they need, but to prevent further bells and whistles throughout the store.
Creating a large sitecertainly an art and a science. If you are serious about your e-commerce venture, you're probably going to want a good designer to build your site for you. When searching around for examples of work that you enjoy, remember that simplicity is the key.
Do not "mess" of the page too. On the printed page so that the text area to "breathe" with the space around him a good strategy. It gives a feeling of simplicity and order, and not overwhelm the eye. ThisMore important is the web.
Reading text on our computer screens, a burden on our eyes. Helping your readers to break the text into short sections, ideally about five lines. Enter line spacing between paragraphs. So it is much more likely to keep the reader's attention.
How many people will buy the product, if not able to read the blurb on your site? Questions you should consider:
Font size - somewhere between 9and 12-point text, depending on the character that is comfortable for the body. Font-style - if you come from a background in print, we can assume that the serif fonts like Times New Roman are easier to read. Online is the opposite, in the broadest sense, is true. Sans serif fonts such as Arial tend to show better online than serif fonts, with "tails". Studies have shown that in size and less than 10, much better read than Verdana, Arial. Serif fonts are good for headlines and small piecesText Upper or lower case - with capitals only makes your text look terrible Shouty or as an aggressive sales pitch. Exclusive use of upper or lower case for large blocks of writing, you can read the text much more difficult.
Text and background color
Have you ever tried to read a page with small white print of a pastel background on a screen? Nearly impossible, right? Studies show that the connection easier to read text on a darklighter background. However, there are other factors that come into play.
A study conducted by Jean-Eric Pelet Panagiota Papadopoulou, and found that people are "changed in response to a site where three factors were manipulated to change the color associated with: the hue, saturation and brightness of the colors used.
Many people know that the best readability of text on the computer screen you get when you use characters blacks on white background. Shows, however, existing research suggests that this combinationthat provides maximum contrast and therefore logical, readable seems to be really the best choice if your goal is purely to provide information.
However, if a decision is made for the aesthetic comes into play. This study has shown that the use of color, with a high contrast (ie, in a dark colored text on a light background) had a positive impact on people buying decisions.
It seems that the wise use of color has led people toappreciate the aesthetic quality of a website, and buy a significant impact on its stated intentions were. In other words, it is worth investing time and money in a good design, because they will pay. The study, but rather at hand, since only a small number of combinations tested were limited in color, has also taken a fairly significant impact on the will of the people 'to buy, where shades of blue were used.
It 'also important to remember, the way in which different culturesPerceive colors when you know that the user of the site is of a different culture from their own. There is a wealth of information on the Web that allow you to stay away from colors that have negative associations in your target culture.
Pelet Papadopoulou and research, they also have the effect of varying the brightness and color saturation. They found that customers are able to remember more information about products, if used, the colors were somewhat 'muted and not verybright colors. If you surf these sites said they were more likely to buy products.
It is worth noting that these people feel "stuck" when the colors used were complaining too bright. They explained that the web sites, the "convenience" to serve both the pleasure and comfort have been generated in the psychological sense by visiting the website. You also have the feeling that the sites that are difficult to read than acted unprofessionally and that probably will not buy fromthese sites.
Have you considered that affects up to 10% of men of color blindness. This is your site to include people buy from you? What about people with visual impairment, deaf and other disabled people? Fortunately, there are guidelines to help ensure the W3C, that your site is accessible, is published under http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/accessibility.php. Web Consortium W3C, or World Wide is an international community dedicated tothe development of Web standards. And 'led by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and Jeffrey Jaffe CEO.
It 'a great online tool to verify that the colors you have on your site compatible with W3C guidelines for accessibility: www.checkmycolours.com. I took this points to a brilliant article on Mashable Website: fresh 17 Web Tools for working with colors. Mashable is a news site in the social and digital media, technology and web culture, so if you are interested in maintaining the innovations arethese areas, subscribe to free newsletter!
These are just a few words of introduction to a vast territory. Web designers and online professionals spend years intensely studying these things, and is a world in which things are changing rapidly. But at least something, if you avoid your web site in lowercase white 8-point font on a blue background with a child leaves 12 news tickers, flashing lights everywhere and a dancing Jesus, you're on your wayE-commerce success.
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